Email addiction: effects on technostress and information overload and impact on performance


  • Hajer Kefi Paris School of Business PSB
  • Michel Kalika Business Science Institute, BSIS EFMD-FNEGE ; IAE Lyon School of Management
  • Najma Saidani NEOMA Business School


dépendance, technostress, surcharge informationnelle, performance perçue, ‘dark side’ des TIC, effet générationnel, courrier électronique


In this article, several potentially negative effects of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are studied. Some of their interactions are examined, namely the dependence on electronic mail (email), information overload and technostress. A research model is developed for this purpose, demonstrating that email dependence leads to information overload and represents an antecedent factor of two technostress generators: techno-overload and techno-invasion. In addition, information overload has a perceived negative impact on ICT-enabled productivity and ICT-enabled innovation, while positive  (techno-eustress), negative (techno-distress) or neutral (no-technostress) effects on these two factors could be observed. These results and their theoretical and managerial implications are discussed and put into perspective with regard to the gender and the generation to which users belong. Our research contributes therefore significantly to the emerging stream of research on the ‘dark side’ where positive, negative or neutral effects of ICT usage could emerge.

Author Biography

Hajer Kefi, Paris School of Business PSB


Management & Strategy Department


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How to Cite

Kefi, H., Kalika, M., & Saidani, N. (2023). Email addiction: effects on technostress and information overload and impact on performance. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 26(1), 45–83. Retrieved from



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