Appropriation dynamics in digital transformation: a comparative case study of digital support structures and processes


  • Clotilde Coron IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Jean-Loup Richet IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Digitalisation, Post Transformation digitale, Objet-frontière, Accompagnement du changement, Complexité


Previous research on IS-enabled Organizational Transformation and Digital Transformation (DT) has generally focused on the process of transformation and on its ongoing nature. However, less attention has been paid to the multiple digital support structures and processes that ongoing DT requires. In this research, we study the appropriation of a digital support structure aimed at maintaining cooperation and effort of a complex, contingent, constantly changing DT. How do the different levels of appropriation of a DT support structure co-exist in an ongoing DT? To answer this question, we studied the appropriation of a DT support structure and its processes in three large companies, using participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Our work responds to a lack of research on the appropriation of DT support structure and processes: we explored the three perspectives identified in De Vaujany’s work (rational, socio-political, psycho-cognitive) at three levels of analysis (governance, entity, individual) and for different categories of actors (designers, deployment managers and users) brought together in the context of DT change management.

Author Biographies

Clotilde Coron, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Clotilde Coron est maîtresse de conférences HDR en Gestion des ressources humaines à l’IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School en GRH, où elle est également responsable du M2 RHRSE en apprentissage et directrice adjointe de la chaire MAI. Ses recherches et enseignement portent d’une part sur la digitalisation et l’usage des données en GRH, d’autre part sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes.

Jean-Loup Richet, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Jean-Loup Richet est maître de conférences en Systèmes d’Information à l’IAE de Paris – Sorbonne Business School. Il est co-directeur de la chaire Risques, chargé de mission transformation digitale à l’IAE de Paris et responsable du M2 Manager QSE. Ses travaux de recherche les plus récents portent sur les dynamiques de transformation et leur complexité.



How to Cite

Coron, C., & Richet, J.-L. (2023). Appropriation dynamics in digital transformation: a comparative case study of digital support structures and processes. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 26(3), 35–65. Retrieved from



Empirical research