Business Model Research in the Information Systems Literature: A Review and a Research Agenda


  • Raphaël Maucuer ESSCA School of Management
  • Alexandre Renaud EM Normandie Business School, Metis Lab
  • Yuliya Snihur Toulouse Business School
  • Neva Bojovic Kedge Business School


Business models, Digitalization, Co-citation analysis, Bibliographic coupling, Literature review


Large-scale digitization has induced profound changes in the contemporary economy. In this context, the literature on information systems (IS) is proving invaluable to understand digital business models. Based on a mixed bibliometric analysis, this article reveals the historical contribution of the IS business model literature, identifies current research trends, and proposes a three-pronged research agenda for IS scholars working on digital business models: a design science; a user-centered; and a data-oriented perspective.


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How to Cite

Maucuer, R., Renaud, A., Snihur, Y., & Bojovic, N. (2020). Business Model Research in the Information Systems Literature: A Review and a Research Agenda. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 25(4), 5–28. Retrieved from



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