L’adoption du vote par Internet aux assemblées générales des actionnaires de sociétés cotées en France : une perspective institutionnaliste


  • Sonia Abdennadher Ecole de Management de Normandie
  • Walid Cheffi Rouen Business School


Internet voting, shareholders general meetings, adoption, institutional perspective


The emergence of internet proxy voting in shareholders' general meetings (IV in SGM) is seen by several corporate governance and information systems experts as a major innovation. However very scant studies have examined its adoption by listed companies, and even to a lesser degree the forces influencing this adoption. This paper uses an institutional perspective to examine how the IV is adopted in France and what are the forces/pressures that are likely to impact on such an adoption. On the basis of a qualitative and longitudinal study, the analysis of the institutionalization process shows that this practice is an in-progress institution (proto-institution). The findings highlight the joint influence of three types of isomorphism on the adoption process of IV as well as the domination of coercive and normative pressures at the detriment of the mimetic ones. The findings also underline the hurdles to the usability of IV and reveal the opportunistic behavior of firms’ executives with regard to its adoption inspite of their engagement in a process of collective construction of an “organizing vision”. At a theoretical level, the article (1) uses an institutional perspective to examine a new information technology which is not dedicated to the internal users of the adopting company; and (2) extends the researches on e-government towards corporate governance of listed companies. At a managerial level, the study offers for the diverse players a comprehensive analysis of the phenomena as well as the forces in play. The originality of the research stems from the operationalization of the framework to a new topic, given that the studies of the adoption of IV in SGM are rare in the Anglo-Saxon countries and, to our knowledge, nonexistent in France.

Author Biographies

Sonia Abdennadher, Ecole de Management de Normandie

Sonia ABDENNADHER est professeur à l'Ecole de Management de Normandie. Elle est docteur, qualifiée CNRS, en sciences de gestion de l’Université Paris Sud 11 (laboratoire PESOR). Ses travaux de recherche portent sur l’adoption des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans le cadre de la gouvernance d’entreprise.

Walid Cheffi, Rouen Business School

Walid CHEFFI est professeur associé à Rouen Business School. Il est docteur, qualifié CNRS, en sciences de gestion de l’Université Paris Dauphine (CREFIGE). Ses centres d'intérêt incluent l'étude des processus d'implémentation et d'utilisation des systèmes d'information comptable selon une perpective managériale.



How to Cite

Abdennadher, S., & Cheffi, W. (2011). L’adoption du vote par Internet aux assemblées générales des actionnaires de sociétés cotées en France : une perspective institutionnaliste. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 16(2), 35–71. Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/347



Empirical research