Intégration des connaissances client dans un projet en systèmes d’information : influence de l’environnement de connaissance du projet


  • Sabine Carton IAE Grenoble CERAG UMR 5820 Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble
  • Armelle Farastier IAE Grenoble CERAG UMR 5820 Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble


capacité d’intégration des connaissances, gestion de projet SI, connaissances client, objets et acteurs frontières


Many authors in IS project management field have examined knowledge management within IS projects : issues such as knowledge transfer or capitalization from one project to another one (Morley 2002, Ko et al., 2005, Haines et Goodhue, 2003)), or like knowledge management specificities within a project (Newell et al., 2004, Slaughter et Kirsch, 2006, Jewels et Ford, 2006), have been raised. Focusing on knowledge management in the project, we intend to characterize knowledge integration capacity through the analysis of the means implemented to develop this capacity (boundary objects, Star, Griesemer, 1989, and boundary actors). More specifically, we try to understand how the “knowledge management environment” (that we defined as the combination of project specificities, nature of customer knowledge and degree of complexity of the knowledge integration process) has an influence on the knowledge integration capacity developed by actors.Through the case study method, three IS projects are examined and provide the following results : the degree of complexity of the integration process has an influence on the degree of formalization of the boundary objects, and on the use of designated” boundary objects or of “boundary objects in-practice”. Moreover, integration of informal knowledge mobilize boundary actors. Finally, two different integration capacity structures are presented. This research highlights the key role of the customer on the knowledge integration capacity. From a managerial perspective, a strong and operational participation of the customer seems to be necessary to enhance a strong integration capacity of customer knowledge.


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How to Cite

Carton, S., & Farastier, A. (2012). Intégration des connaissances client dans un projet en systèmes d’information : influence de l’environnement de connaissance du projet. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 17(2), 39–80. Retrieved from



Empirical research