Systèmes d’information et résilience des chaînes logistiques globales


  • Karine Evrard Samuel Professeur des Universités Grenoble INP
  • Salomée Ruel CERAG UMR CNRS 5820 Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle


Resilience – Information Systems – Crisis Management – Supply Chain - Ecosystem


The business environment is now and will continue to be impacted by disturbances of international scope.  In the future, this situation will be reinforced by global competition driven by growth in emerging economies.  In a context of permanent crisis with multiple causes, companies need to find ways to adapt and yet maintain their level of performance, living up to the expectations of their numerous stakeholders.  This article analyses how information systems can adapt in times of crisis to enhance supply chain resilience, or otherwise stated, it explores how supply chains maintain a constant level of performance despite rare or unexpected events.  Information technology evolution is currently taking place in an environment of agile industrial activities and logistics systems that are increasingly outsourced.  This situation is further complicated by a context where uncertainty multiplies risk of shortages or serious disruptions.  Using two case studies conducted in the same context, we identify two types of response to crisis: one short term based on progressive information system degradation and crisis decision making, the other consisting of crisis management by learning that allows for dynamic adjustment of the organization.  This article develops the notion of an information platform which by supporting the main supply chain processes also permits analysis of modification of strategic parameters affecting each actor, thus allowing them, and the system as a whole, to dynamically adjust to the situation via access to and transmission of real time information.

Author Biography

Karine Evrard Samuel, Professeur des Universités Grenoble INP

Cellule Entreprise et Innovation


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How to Cite

Evrard Samuel, K., & Ruel, S. (2013). Systèmes d’information et résilience des chaînes logistiques globales. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 18(1), 57–85. Retrieved from



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