A psychometric measurement for assessing individual appropriation of a technology


  • Christina Tsoni École Supérieure de Commerce de Troyes, France


Individual appropriation, technology, obligatory use, measurement scale


Appropriation is defined as being at once a psychological state and a behavior. However, till now research dealing with appropriation of technologies has mainly focused on tool usage, referring to the behavioral aspects of the concept. Therefore, there is a lack of measurement instruments assessing appropriation as user feeling. Our research objective is to propose a psychometric measurement of individual appropriation of a technology. We consider that the study of user perceptions of appropriation would allow a better understanding of the process of appropriation and especially of non appropriation. A twofold research design was deployed within a bank a year after a technology change implementation. Firstly, an exploratory study was conducted containing 13 semi-directive interviews with technology users. Its objective was to understand the way users define appropriation. User discourse has been coded and regrouped in relevant themes. Secondly, the identified themes were used to generate items for a quantitative survey assessing individual appropriation. In total, 332 complete surveys were collected. The statistical analysis identified (PCA) and validated (CFA) two dimensions of individual appropriation of a technology: the Preference for the technology, with regard to other alternatives, and the Mastery of the technology. Preference and Mastery have straight forward implications for managers during technology change implementation. They invite managers to deal with both psychological and behavioral aspects of user technology appropriation. Whereas Mastery is necessary to efficiently use the technology, Preference refers to user personal interest to the technology. We believe that considering at once psychometric and behavioral indicators of appropriation would allow a better comprehension and assessment of the concept. In particular in new technology post implementation contexts, knowing individual perceptions of appropriation would help managers to better chose accompaniment means and assess their impact on individual appropriation.


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How to Cite

Tsoni, C. (2012). A psychometric measurement for assessing individual appropriation of a technology. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 17(4), 39–68. Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/502



Empirical research