Astérix and the Knowledge Management 2.0: An exploration of KMS 2.0 appropriation by the myth of Gallic Village


  • Aurélie Dudezert Professeur des Universités IAE Poitiers
  • Pierre Fayard Professeur des Universités IAE de Poitiers
  • Ewan Oiry Professeur des Universités IAE Poitiers


Gestion des Connaissances, Systèmes de Gestion des Connaissances, Organisation 2.0, Appropriation, Mythes


KM processes in companies have profoundly changed in recent years. They became 2.0 KM processes that aim to transform the firm and are driven by a new approach of knowledge in line within 2.0 organisations. These 2.0 knowledge management systems involved oraganisational modes that disrupt with those that previously guided firms’ performance. This can sometimes lead to paradoxical organizational dysfunctions as witnessed by the difficulties faced by some traditionally hierarchical French companies. Through a case study of Constructor and a theoretical background on Information Systems appropriation in organizations and myths in management, we show how the Asterix myth contributes to understand how 2.0. KMS are appropriated in such companies. We find evidence of similarities regarding knowledge and Knowledge Management between the Asterix’ myth and the behaviours and practices concerning knowledge management within Constructor. As a result, the Asterix’ myth may be a relevant perspective for understanding the obstacles, advantages and appropriations of 2.0. KMS within French organizations. This paper contributes to research papers dealing with the impact of symbolism in IS appropriation. 


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How to Cite

Dudezert, A., Fayard, P., & Oiry, E. (2015). Astérix and the Knowledge Management 2.0: An exploration of KMS 2.0 appropriation by the myth of Gallic Village. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 20(1). Retrieved from



Empirical research