Modelling cloud computing adoption in major French local public authorities


  • Erick Leroux University of Paris 13 – Sorbone Paris
  • Pierre-Charles Pupion Université de Poitiers


Cloud computing, local authorities, adoption, innovation, institution


The proliferation of cloud computing offers now affects the public sector, so we wish to analyse the patterns of and barriers to adoption of these cloud systems in a highly institutionalized context. After outlining the main principles of diffusion models and the TOE models and HOT-fit, the article analyses the processes and factors of adopting technology innovation in the public context with respect for legality and confidentiality in the public interest. We then propose a synthetic model for the adoption of cloud computing by local authorities. The empirical study is based on a survey on the form and type of cloud with participation by 61 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) or IT directors from French local authorities. We go on to test the model, identify the main factors of innovation adoption, and highlight the importance of safety concerns as central to public choices.


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How to Cite

Leroux, E., & Pupion, P.-C. (2016). Modelling cloud computing adoption in major French local public authorities. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 20(4). Retrieved from



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