SIIO et amélioration de la qualité des données : analyse de la synchronisation des données par catalogues électroniques.
Data quality, Interorganizational Information Systems, IOS forms, electronic catalogues, data synchronizationAbstract
The question of data quality has always been understood to be an important area of research; but after 40 years, there is still a lack of research dealing with the quality of data exchanged between organizations. Even if the literature recognizes that Interorganizational Information Systems (IOSs) use can improve data quality, no research analyzes in depth how data quality can be improved by the implementation of an IOS. In this paper, we focus on electronic catalogues that are implemented to support product data synchronization between consumer goods and retailing industries, and we aim at understanding their contribution to data quality improvement. Emerging from case studies of retailers and manufacturers, our results show that electronic catalogues can contribute to the improvement of several data quality dimensions. Moreover, analysis of interconnections between sending and receiving systems leads to underline diverse structures of IOSs. These diverse forms, and especially hybrid forms compared to extreme forms, allow discussing their value by considering their contribution to data quality improvement.
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