Fixer une réunion ou travailler ensemble sur le réseau : comparaison des délais d'achèvement


  • Jean-Louis PEAUCELLE IAE à Paris


Groupware, Telework, Network, Reactivity, Profits of e-mail, Meetings, Waiting period, Models


The author discusses a set of work tasks which have been assembled in somewhat of an impromptu fashion and which involve a group of individuals, each one focused on a separate task. He goes on to propose a formal model for this group's collective work completion schedule based on an organized pooling of their efforts. He also provides a calculation of completion times under the hypothesis that work tasks are performed by means of exchanges on the network (groupware). These models make use of individuals' productivity rates and their behavior with respect to utilization of electronic messages. The comparison between these two models reveals that the network is more efficient (in terms of completion times) both when many busy individuals are placed in a situation of working together and when these individuals are used to processing the work received through the network. This result therefore is only applicable if the nature of the work involved allows for both types of organizational solutions.

How to Cite

PEAUCELLE, J.-L. (1998). Fixer une réunion ou travailler ensemble sur le réseau : comparaison des délais d’achèvement. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 3(3), 29–47. Retrieved from



Empirical research