A Measurement Scale for Agile Orientation
agile orientation, agile methods, agility, project management, innovationAbstract
Agile methods can help improve a firm’s adaptability. This adaptability, which is also widely considered in digital transformation, is central in the MIS research agenda. The current pandemic period presents a further challenge to the adaptability of firms. Agility has aroused strong interest among professionals as a way to improve and structure their management approach; it is a management model that has evolved via successive contributions. Many studies have examined the implementation and contributions of agile methods, but few studies have characterized the dimensions underlying these methods. In addition, organizations gain agility by introducing a project mode, an intermediate element that has not been considered. This article provides theoretical and managerial contributions by taking into account the dimensions related to this element of agility and focuses on the characterization of the agile dimensions through the following question: What are the components of an agile orientation? Our literature review identifies the dimensions of agile orientation that we link to the dynamic capabilities theory. This exploratory research is based on a scale development approach that provides validity and reliability and leads to the reconfiguration of the model (alertness, reactivity, autonomy, generate diversity). Data are collected by a questionnaire (sample size n=600). This research also represents a contribution for enterprises through the construction of an index for the evaluation of the agile orientation called the global index of agile orientation (GIAO). The results of this research allow us to take the next step in connecting agile orientation to other variables.
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