Charter for special issues


Special issues are reviewed by the editorial board based on proposals submitted by the editor-in-chief. These proposals are submitted either a week before a scheduled meeting or by email, allowing sufficient time for the editorial board to provide feedback.

The editorial board may request modifications to the proposal, which will then be forwarded to the coordinators by the editor-in-chief. Coordinators must incorporate these changes and submit a second version, which will be presented again to the editorial board for validation.

Special issue proposals must be supported by at least two and a maximum of four coordinators. It is expected that at least two different institutions are represented by the coordinators, with at least one having an international profile. It is essential that the proposals fall within the scientific scope of the French Journal of Management Information Systems.

The coordinators of the proposal must also provide a list of potential reviewers for the articles that will compose the special issue.


Articles intended for the special issue must be submitted onto the journal’s platform in the section specifically created for that issue. Coordinators of each special issue assume the role of "guest editor/special issue editor" while processing the articles. They receive email alerts upon submission of an article for their special issue and can directly manage the evaluation process of their articles.

The evaluation of articles constituting special issues follows a "double-blind" process. It is the responsibility of the special issue coordinators to ensure the rigor of this process. To avoid conflicts of interest, reviewers should not belong to the same institution as the authors and should not regularly collaborate with them (no article should have been co-authored with an author in the past five years).

Editorial management typically extends over a period of six months to one and a half years. Special issue coordinators must regularly update the editorial team on the progress of the issue to help plan its publication. Adherence to deadlines is crucial for French Journal of Management Information Systems, and it is imperative that special issue coordinators ensure compliance by following up with reviewers as needed.

Coordinators can refer to the article evaluation process, as described on the corresponding page, to get an idea of the timelines desired by French Journal of Management Information Systems.


Special issue coordinators are not allowed to publish articles in the special issue they coordinate. However, they are responsible for writing an introductory editorial article to present the articles of the special issue, provide an overview of the topic addressed, and open perspectives. This introduction must be submitted for review by the editorial team.

Regarding the number of articles, a special issue requires a minimum of three articles to be published. At the end of the evaluation process, if the number of articles is insufficient, the special issue may be canceled. If one or two articles are deemed publishable, they will be directed to the "varia" category for publication in a regular issue of French Journal of Management Information Systems. Conversely, in the presence of a significant number of quality submissions, it is possible to adjust the available space by publishing six or seven articles, or even creating two special issues. Thus, for special issues, priority is given to the quality of the articles.

In addition to traditional articles, special issue coordinators may request one or two prestigious authors to write a guest article. However, they must obtain prior approval from the editorial board.

It is imperative that the final version of accepted articles complies with the editorial guidelines of French Journal of Management Information Systems. All author guidelines and a formatting template are available on this page: Submissions.


Once a call for special issue proposals is approved by the editorial board, it is then disseminated by French Journal of Management Information Systems. It is expected that special issue coordinators participate in this effort by promoting the call through their social media accounts, as well as in their academic and professional networks. An announcement should also be made by the coordinators on the website of the AIM (Association Information Management).

Usually, a period of at least nine months is allowed between the date of dissemination of the call and the submission deadline, to give authors time to prepare their proposals. If coordinators wish, they can organize a workshop a few months before the submission deadline to assist in paper development.

Once the special issue is published, it is expected that the coordinators participate in the effort to promote the published works among their academic, professional networks, and the media.