Challenges and strategies for legitimizing a temporary organization: a case study of an e-health mobile application design project
Stratégies de légitimation, actions symboliques, projet de conception TI, vision temporelle, application de santé mobileAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyse how the leaders of a project create s the legitimacy of a project to design a mobile e-health application in order to gain stakeholders support Through a single case study, we highlight the legitimisation challenges of an IT project analysed from the perspective of a temporary organisation. We show that this legitimacy construction process is dynamic and continuous throughout the project, bringing together pragmatic, moral and cognitive legitimisation strategies. Our analysis enriches the literature on the legitimacy of IT projects by showing the importance of the legitimacy of both the project and IT. Moreover, it complements the information systems literature on the legitimacy of IT design projects by introducing the notion of legitimacy deficit: a weakened, damaged or withdrawn legitimacy.
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