Technological Invasion and Employee Silence: A Comparison of Millennials and Generation Xers


  • Martijn Jungst Edhec Business School


technolocial invasion, employee silence, millenials, emotional exhaustion,


New technologies enable employees to stay connected to work even during non-working hours. This study examines whether emotional exhaustion mediates the effect of technological invasion on employee silence (i.e., pro-social, defensive, and acquiescent), and whether generational differences (i.e., between Generation Xers and Millennials) interact with technological invasion to influence emotional exhaustion and thereby employee silence. Data were collected from 339 full-time employees working for different organizations. Results indicate that technological invasion is positively associated with employee silence (i.e., defensive and acquiescent), and that emotional exhaustion mediates the effect of technological invasion on employee silence. However, the effects of technological invasion are less pronounced for Generation Xers than Millennials. Managers are encouraged to introduce HR policies that motivate employees to speak up about the use of technology at the workplace, and to leverage different generations’ experiences via inclusion programs.

Author Biography

Martijn Jungst, Edhec Business School

Martijn Jungst is an Associate Professor in Management at the Department of Management and Humanities at EDHEC School of Business in Lille, France. He earned his PhD in Organizational Behavior from Maastricht University, The Netherlands. At EDHEC School of Business, he held various roles including: Academic Director of the Pedagogical Innovation Lab and currently holds the position as: Coordinator International Academic Affairs Pre-Master and Master. He is a passionate lecturer and in 2018, he was awarded the ‘Digital Pedagogical Innovation Award’. He is an active member of the Academy of Management and International Network of Social Network Analysis. He has published in Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of Small Business Management,  International Journal of Conflict Management, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, and International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction. Full details can be found on his homepage for more details on his career, research interests, publications and projects.


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How to Cite

Jungst, M. (2023). Technological Invasion and Employee Silence: A Comparison of Millennials and Generation Xers. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 28(1). Retrieved from



Empirical research