Impacts on Employee Coping Behaviors of Opportunities and Threats Related to the Use of Shadow IT



Shadow IT, security, behavior, valence.


Shadow IT (SIT) is characterized as (1) the use of unapproved IT resources by employees for the purpose of working more efficiently and (2) usage lacking malicious intent that nevertheless violates company rules and creates additional vulnerabilities that increase the risk of information security incidents. We examine SIT usage behaviors based on coping theory by conducting a survey of 429 SIT users. We contribute to the academic literature, on the one hand, by improving our understanding of the role of the balance between benefits and risks in maximization and/or protection behaviors related to SIT usage. On the other hand, we discuss and enrich the conceptual model of behavioral analysis by identifying cross effects that have not previously been studied. Our managerial contributions highlight the fact that employee maximization of SIT usage can be beneficial for companies in terms of efficiency; however, with regard to information security, it is necessary to go beyond simple awareness because employees may not properly assess the increased risk they cause through their SIT practices.

Author Biographies

Yves Barlette, Montpellier Business School, France.

Dr. Yves BARLETTE is Full Professor of Information Systems at Montpellier Business School, France. His research focuses on behavioral issues related to information security. He has 20 publications appearing in journals such as Systèmes d'Information et Management, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Global Information Management, and Production Planning & Control. He also authored 14 books and book chapters.

Yves Barlette is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:

ORCID-iD: 0000-0001-6106-7274

Jean-François Berthevas, La Rochelle University School of Management, France. LITHORAL research center.

Dr. Jean-Francois BERTHEVAS is Associate Professor of Information Systems at La Rochelle University School of Management, France. He is member of the LITHORAL research center. His current research focuses on information security and behavioral issues, and on the digital transformation of organizations. He has published in Systèmes d’Information et Management and is Director of the IAE - La Rochelle University School of Management, France. He has 21 years of experience in business, including 10 years as an IT specialist and 7 years as manager in the field of telecommunications and cybersecurity in major companies (IBM GNS, AT&T GNS, Engie).


ORCID-iD: 0000-0002-1249-6061

Isabelle Sueur, La Rochelle University, France. LITHORAL research center.

Dr. Isabelle Sueur is Professor of Marketing and Data Analysis at La Rochelle University. Her past research work is devoted to consumer behavior, particularly in the area of persuasion processes (advertising effectiveness and loyalty). She is a member of the LITHORAL research center of the University’s  institute for smart urban coastal sustainability  and currently serves as Vice President of the University’s governing board.


ORCID-iD: 0000-0001-9962-3395


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How to Cite

Barlette, Y., Berthevas, J.-F., & Sueur, I. (2024). Impacts on Employee Coping Behaviors of Opportunities and Threats Related to the Use of Shadow IT. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 28(4), Page 71–108. Retrieved from



Empirical research