Effects of the color of ecommerce websites on the me-morizing and on the intent of purchase


  • Jean-Eric PELET SupAgro de Montpellier


Color, e-commerce, emotions, memorization, interface


This article aims at studying the impact of the colors of e-commerce websites as an atmospheric variable of the interface, on the viewer’s memorization and intent to buy. Relying on a literature re-view as well as on investigations provided by an exploratory qualitative analysis followed by a con-firmatory quantitative analysis, we wish to introduce the theoretical and methodological bases ad-dressing this issue. The interaction of hue and brightness, using chromatic colors for the dominant (background) and dynamics (foreground) ones, supports the memorizing and the intent of purchase when contrast rests on a weak situation of brightness. The emotional state (emotions and mood) shows that a negative mood causes a better memorizing but a decreasing intent of purchase, just as stimulation acts positively on the intent of purchase. This research contributes in reinforcing our knowledge of e-commerce and of the effects of the interface on consumer perception and behaviour. Its main contribution lies on the complete analyses that we have performed as well as in the manipu-lation of the color components rather than in a warm vs. cold color comparison.

Author Biography

Jean-Eric PELET, SupAgro de Montpellier

Jean-Eric PELET est maître de conférences à Montpellier SupAgro. Après avoir obtenu un DESS en nouveaux média et management de projets, il obtient un MBA en Systèmes d’Information Organisationnels, option Gestion des technologies de l’Information. Il poursuit son travail de recherche centré sur le comportement du consommateur en ligne en effectuant un doctorat en gestion, au croisement des Systèmes d’Information, du Marketing et de la Psychologie Cognitive



How to Cite

PELET, J.-E. (2010). Effects of the color of ecommerce websites on the me-morizing and on the intent of purchase. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 15(1), 97–131. Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/282



Empirical research