Information systems, task control and service management. An analysis of the customer-contact centers case
Middle Management, Social regulation theory, Service Management, Call centers, SI-HRM.Abstract
This research explores middle managers’ role and attitudes and the way they supervise teams whose tasks are intensively codified via IT. The place, role and legitimacy of middle managers when management tools are embedded in IT are investigated. We use J.D.Reynaud’s social regulation theory that distinguishes three main regulations: autonomous regulation, control regulation and joint regulation. The research proposes to enrich this theory and to analyze the conditions of its application to service area. Based on three case studies in call centers, we point out that middle managers have to negotiate a joint regulatio, but that organizational efficacy of their role depends on their capacity to surpass IT and their prescriptions. In a practical way, and in the light of an enriched social regulation theory, the research emphasizes the necessary conditions to facilitate a performing middle management.References
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How to Cite
CLERGEAU, C., & PIHEL, L. (2010). Information systems, task control and service management. An analysis of the customer-contact centers case. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 15(3), 71–91. Retrieved from
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