Engagement et pratiques des organisations en matière de gouvernance de la sécurité de l’information


  • Nathalie Dagorn Business School Nancy-Metz - Laboratoire CEREFIGE
  • Nicolas Poussing CEPS/INSTEAD et Laboratoire CREM Rennes


Engagement, governance, pratices, information security, UTAUT


This article looks at the issue of information security governance. To respond to the shortcomings identified in the literature, it explores (i) the process of organizations’ engagement in the governance of information security, and (ii) the practices of the organizations involved. The statistical and econometric analysis of data from a survey conducted with one hundred and twenty large companies in Luxembourg suggests that the knowledge of organizations involved in the governance of information security or promoting this approach, the expected performance, and the effort undertaken, are potential determinants of the organizations’ engagement in the process. These results may be analyzed under the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). The data from organizations also helps to draw a picture of current practices in the matter of information security governance. The major originality of the research lies in the very high participation rate (85.71%) by organizations in the study, which gives the results a strong validity in what is, moreover, an extremely sensitive and confidential field. At the theoretical level, the research improves knowledge of the two issues explored. In practice, it provides managers with feedback on current practices implemented by the organizations in the field of information security governance and draws some recommendations. These contributions may also have an impact on public policies and on institutions promoting information security governance.

Author Biographies

Nathalie Dagorn, Business School Nancy-Metz - Laboratoire CEREFIGE

Nathalie DAGORN est Professeur Assistant à ICN Business School Nancy-Metz, membre du laboratoire CEREFIGE. Titulaire d’un doctorat en sciences de gestion obtenu à l’Université de Nancy 2, ses thématiques de recherche concernent principalement le management de la sécurité de l’information et la coopération des systèmes d’information dans les entreprises.

Nicolas Poussing, CEPS/INSTEAD et Laboratoire CREM Rennes

Nicolas POUSSING est chercheur, responsable de l’Axe « Organisation industrielle et société de la connaissance » au CEPS / INSTEAD, un établissement public de recherche situé au Luxembourg. Il est chercheur associé au laboratoire CREM de Rennes. Titulaire d’un doctorat en économie de l'Université de Nancy 2, ses intérêts de recherche se focalisent sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (adoption et relation de la RSE avec l’innovation). Il analyse aussi les effets des usages d’Internet (effet sur le capital social, sur le bonheur…).


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How to Cite

Dagorn, N., & Poussing, N. (2012). Engagement et pratiques des organisations en matière de gouvernance de la sécurité de l’information. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 17(1), 113–143. Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/439



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