Are AR shopping services valued the same way across Europe? – A four country Q-investigation


  • Stéphanie Gauttier Université de Nantes, LEMNA
  • Claire Gauzente Université de Nantes, LEMNA
  • Maiju Aikala VTT, Finland


augmented reality, shopping services, cross-country study, Europe, Q-method


Augmented reality creates new affordances for shopping-related interactions because it allows consumers to experience a product within the context of their choice and in a customized way before making a purchasing decision. There is a need to evaluate the potential of this technology and its features in order to integrate it strategically into e- and m-commerce activities. Given that technologies are now developing on a global scale, research should take a multiple country approach. The present study provides qualitative cross-country insights into four European nations and provides guidelines on how to conduct Q-investigations within comparative settings. The results suggest that both divergence and convergence phenomena occur calling for a differentiated approach to target users and to the development of applications. 


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How to Cite

Gauttier, S., Gauzente, C., & Aikala, M. (2016). Are AR shopping services valued the same way across Europe? – A four country Q-investigation. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 21(1). Retrieved from



Empirical research