Proposition of a new collaborative method to study the concept of absorptive capacity
Collaborative method, Absorptive Capacity, Practices, RoutinesAbstract
Absorptive capacity (ACAP) is considered as a dynamic capability based on organisational routines and practices. In information systems, and more generally in management science, most of the current methodological approaches cannot describe these routines and practices on a micro level. This paper presents the research methods that are usually used to study the concept of ACAP. By comparing these methods, we identify their limits and we provide the guidelines to apply a new collaborative research method called ISEACAP (Identification, Simulation, Evaluation, Assimilation of ACAP practices). This method follows a “practice-based” perspective and relies more specifically on the co-creation of new knowledge from both practitioners and researchers. ISEACAP is a gamified participative method to study ACAP’s practices in more depth. This paper presents ISEACAP as a new research method that entails a reflexive disposition from the practitioners about their practices and allows researchers to better understand ACAP mechanisms. Moreover, the method facilitates the study of mobilised organisational routines and practices (consciously or unconsciously) by actors to create and develop any kind of dynamic capabilities.
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