A research design proposal combining case study and multi-agent simulation for analyzing complex and emergent processes in Information Systems
research design, information systems, emerging and complex processes, case study, multi-agent simulation, validity of results.Abstract
Simulation methods are more and more used in organization sciences. However, few researches in management of information systems integrate this methodological approach. In this paper, we first highlight simulation relevance to analyze complex and emergent phenomena. Then, the value of a research design combining two methodological approaches, case study and multi-agent simulation, is argued. Two simulation models are used to illustrate the contribution of combining both the methods, especially for improving validity of the simulation results. Qualitative foundations of the simulation improve the validity of the model built as well as they allow a better interpretation of simulation results. In return, simulation allows formulating new questions more theoretical and prospective, and also reinforces the theoretical generalization of results. Nevertheless this methodological combination leads to review the positioning of simulation in the research design. The simulation doesn’t hold a central place in the scientific knowledge building but more a complementary place, allow to surpass the case study and to renew the researcher questions.
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