Rereading the millefeuille effect from the QualiREG case: Proposal of an explanation in terms of borders


  • Emilie HOAREAU Grenoble IAE Université Grenoble Alpes


Effet millefeuille, réseau d’innovation, frontières


The aim of this case study is to illustrate the millefeuille theory with empirical data from the QualiREG case. QualiREG is an international innovation network which brings together different actors of the Indian Ocean area. Between 2011 and 2014, QualiREG was the subject of an empirical research based on the case study method. Qualitative data of QualiREG’s case were used here to illustrate how media are selected and layered. An extended portfolio of media is observed. QualiREG case study provides theoretical perspectives on the millefeuille
theory as well as lessons for managers. Confronting the explanation of Kalika et al. (2007, 2008) to empirical data, we obtain support to several effects and more details regarding their potential mechanisms. Observations also shows that the layering effect is the results of deliberate action by actors in response to their insularity. Media choice depends on the combination of variables. Several theoretical perspectives emerge from this analysis, regarding the origin, the form, and the consequences of the layering effect. In addition, a new way to
explain the media stacking is presented. The “Boundaries effect” states that choice and use of media are influenced by knowledge boundaries. Following this approach, we proposed feedback from QualiREG’s case to managers who have to deal with knowledge boundaries.


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How to Cite

HOAREAU, E. (2023). Rereading the millefeuille effect from the QualiREG case: Proposal of an explanation in terms of borders. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 26(1), 85–121. Retrieved from



Teaching case studies