IS in the legal function: exploring strategic alignment practices


  • Soufiane KHERRAZI EDHEC Business School
  • Christophe Roquilly EDHEC Business School


Innovation, Direction juridique, Management juridique, Droit


This research aims to examine the issue of the adoption of IS and IT tools in the legal context, especially in the case of the Innovative Legal Department (ILD). This involves studying the rollout mode of these tools as well as the practices promoting their strategic alignment within ILD. This research is based on a pioneering case study, supplemented by secondary data. The results highlight the internal development within the ILD as a mode of rollout of IS/IT tools in which practices ensuring strategic alignment promote the development of internal skills (dedicated team), proximity to top management (Comex) and internal clients (agile method) as well as a culture oriented towards creativity and value creation. These results largely limit the traditional pattern of adoption of IS/IT tools in support departments. These results are then put into perspective to highlight the implications of this mode of rollout on the purpose of IS/IT tools as well as the nature of their strategic alignment within an ILD.


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How to Cite

KHERRAZI, S., & Roquilly, C. (2024). IS in the legal function: exploring strategic alignment practices. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 28(4), Page 43–70. Retrieved from



Empirical research