Les conséquences sur les compétences du chargé de clientèle du développement des compétences des clients via l'E-banking


  • Michel DUBOIS Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble2
  • Didier RETOUR IAE de Grenoble
  • Marc-Éric BOBILLIER CHAUMON Université de Lyon2


Service relationship, Website, Software, Customer, Customer adviser, Competence


The article examines the development of competencies related to customer consultation websites and analyzes its impact on customer adviser's competencies in the later face to face relationship. We focus on the use of software applications by the customer adviser (CA) during the relationship with the customer. Several methodologies were used: a study of the websites, an online questionnaire, a functional analysis of software, observations in the presence of the customer and the CA. The main results show that the consultation of websites enables clients to develop competencies; the CA reflects this customers'competence to manage their relationship with customers; CA mobilizes its competencies based on the expertise held by the customer to perform the service expected in this context; the complexity of the case presented by the customer becomes secondary in the mobilization of the customer adviser'competencies; the software available to the CA is used in connection with the competence profile of the customer.

How to Cite

DUBOIS, M., RETOUR, D., & BOBILLIER CHAUMON, M.- Éric. (2008). Les conséquences sur les compétences du chargé de clientèle du développement des compétences des clients via l’E-banking. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 13(2), 33–60. Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/220



Empirical research