Between Acquiescence and Manipulation: IS Project Managers Responses to Institutionalized Practices


  • Muriel MIGNERAT Université d'Ottawa, Ecole de gestion Telfer
  • Suzanne RIVARD HEC Montréal


project management, institutional approaches, institutionalization, strategic responses


A number of information systems (IS) project management practices can now be considered institutionalized. While traditional institutional approaches assume that actors – in search of legitimacy - passively adopt such practices, others posit that there is a broad range of responses to institutional pressures. These responses vary from acquiescence to manipulation, including compromise and defiance. Our study adopted this perspective to examine IS project managers’ responses to institutionalized practices. The study addressed the following questions: Are IS project managers institutional actors who unquestioningly adopt institutionalized practices or do they consciously comply? Or else, do they adopt avoidance or defiance strategies? We conducted a multi-method study to address these questions. First we conducted a field study during which we interviewed 46 IS project managers after which we conducted two case studies. We offer the following contributions. From an empirical point of view, the study reveals how IS project managers may apprehend project management practices that they are presented as being norms. The study also has a theoretical contribution, in that it combines and enriches extant frameworks pertaining to actors’ responses to institutional pressures; these strategies are contrasted with the notion of mindfulness. From a practical point of view, our results can help organizations better understand how IS project managers may apprehend institutionalized practices. The originality of our approach consists in the operationalization of Oliver’s (1991) famous framework in an IS context.

Author Biographies

Muriel MIGNERAT, Université d'Ottawa, Ecole de gestion Telfer

Muriel MIGNERAT est professeur adjointe à l’École de Gestion Telfer de l’Université d’Ottawa, Canada. Ses projets de recherche actuels sont consacrés à l’étude des pratiques de gestion de projet de systèmes d’information ainsi qu’à l’adoption et l’utilisation des technologies de l’information dans les méga-événements. Elle utilise une approche institutionnelle pour étudier ces phénomènes. Ses travaux ont été publiés notamment dans la revue Journal of Information Technology.

Suzanne RIVARD, HEC Montréal

Suzanne RIVARD est titulaire de la Chaire de gestion stratégique des technologies de l’information à HEC Montréal. Ses champs d’intérêt sont l’alignement stratégique des technologies de l’information, la gestion de projets de systèmes d’information, la gestion du risque de projets et la gestion de la résistance à l’implantation des technologies. Elle a publié dans de nombreuses revues scientifiques dont Communications of the ACM, Data Base, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of information Technology, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science et Systèmes d’information et management. Elle est le Senior Editor du Theory and Review Department du MIS Quarterly, Senior Editor au Journal of the Association for Information Systems, et membre du comité de rédaction du Journal of Management Information Systems et de Systèmes d’information et management.

How to Cite

MIGNERAT, M., & RIVARD, S. (2010). Between Acquiescence and Manipulation: IS Project Managers Responses to Institutionalized Practices. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 15(2), 9–44. Retrieved from



Empirical research