Le management amont et aval des droits de propriété intellectuelle au sein des écosystèmes-plateformes naissants


  • Amel Attour GREDEG (UMR 7321)-UNS
  • Cécile Ayerbe


Platform ecosystem, intellectual property rights, open innovation, knowledge creation, NFC platform.


This research underlines the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to manage knowl- edge in the development of complex systems such as platform-ecosystems without an orches- trator actor. These ecosystems are straightaway registered in an inter-organizational inno- vation model around a ‘core’ platform which structures their existences. Thanks to Nice Futur Campus (NFCampus) case study, the paper shows how the upstream and down- stream management of IPR contributes to the emergence of Near Field Communication (NFC) platform-ecosystem. It also proposes several theoretical contributions both on the ris- ing ecosystems and on the open innovation literature. These contributions concern the structuring role of IPR in the birth of an ecosystem, the articulation between tacit and ex- plicit knowledge and the open degree of the technological platform. The paper highlights be- sides practitioners and local public actors on the way IPR may favour or slow down the in- dustrialization of numerous current experimentations in NFC domain, or more generally on how IPR management contributes to the success deployment of innovation emanating from a platform-ecosystem without an orchestrator actor. 


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How to Cite

Attour, A., & Ayerbe, C. (2016). Le management amont et aval des droits de propriété intellectuelle au sein des écosystèmes-plateformes naissants. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 20(3). Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/596



Empirical research