Contribution des réseaux d’innovation au développement des organisations : une interprétation en termes de capital sociotechnique
Capital social, Méthodes d’Equations Structurelles (MES), capitalisation, Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, Effet millefeuilleAbstract
This paper investigates the role played by innovation networks in the development of its members. The social capital perspective is used to describe the resources embedded inside a network of innovators. Our research field is QualiREG which is an innovation network whose actors live in different territories of Indian Ocean. We conducted a quantitative study with QualiREG’s managers. We collected 97 answers with an online survey admin- istered to QualiREG’s shareholders. The collected data were analyzed with Partial Least Squares approach. Results showed two dimensions of Social Capital, reputation and innovation support, as influencing the network contribution to the development of its members. Information and Communication Technologies improve both the exposure of actors and the innovation activities in the network. From a managerial point of view, Information Systems (IS) appears as a valuable management tool of innovation networks. From a theo- retical point of view, we present Sociotechnical Capital as the entanglement between social capital and IS. Also, we deepen in the concept of relational learning to describe how the members develop relational resources in an innovation network.
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