A driven community of practice in innovation by SEB Group


  • Lusine Arzumanyan ESDES, The Business School of UCLy
  • Katia Angué La Réunion University


Community of practice, Innovation, Multinational firm


In the age of constant change, successful companies unrelentingly strive to generate and widely spread new knowledge accros the organization with intent to reflect it in the new products, services and processes. In these instances many multinationals set up communities of practice which encourage learning, development and sharing of knowledge as well steer innovation and creativity. This paper targets a better understanding of how to put together and to grow a community of practice in innovation. The empirical research conducted in SEB Group focuses specifically on this type of community of practice. The data was collected through 63 semi-structured interviews, direct observation and analysis of internal documentation. The conclusions highlight four stages in the construction and development of a community of practice.


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How to Cite

Arzumanyan, L., & Angué, K. (2017). A driven community of practice in innovation by SEB Group. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 23(1). Retrieved from https://revuesim.org/index.php/sim/article/view/766



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