IT Symbolism and IT Implementation Strategies


  • Christina Tsoni South Champagne Business School
  • Regis Martineau ICN Business School, CEREFIGE


IT, symbolism, implementation strategy


IT symbolism is so rich that becomes complicated for managers to understand and control all its dimensions. How could managers take into account the symbolic dimensions of an IT during implementation? We first distinguish three typical symbolic meanings associated with IT: IT as a Solution; IT as an Utopia and IT as a Threat. Then we present a detailed description of these three symbolic meanings and we associate them with IT implementation strategies. We obtain a descriptive grid that managers can use to manage IT symbolic dimensions during implementation.


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How to Cite

Tsoni, C., & Martineau, R. (2019). IT Symbolism and IT Implementation Strategies. Systèmes d’Information Et Management (French Journal of Management Information Systems), 24(4), 93–113. Retrieved from



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