Autonomous Strategic Behaviours and Institutional Pressures: the case of BYOD
Bring-Your-Own-Device, case study, institutional approach, autonomous strategic behaviourAbstract
The Bring Your Own Device phenomenon (BYOD) represents a major trend on the job market. Many employees demand to use the devices and software of their choice: mobile phones, tablets, online data storage and data sharing sites (Dropbox, iCloud), videoconferencing systems (Facetime, Skype) among others. This flexibility can be key when choosing an employer or for the purpose of talent retention. Even when these practices are not allowed, many employees, anxious to do their job better, easily find a way around. Conversely, some employers expect their employees to use their own smartphone for some tasks, thus saving on costs. Most of the research published to date on this topic focusses on security (of organizational systems and data), risks, privacy, and in specific contexts (medical settings). Our research focusses on contexts where employees want to use their own device; it tries to answer the following question: what factors and mechanisms enable the implementation of BYOD in professional spheres? We analyse this phenomenon through the lens of institutional theory (more specifically institutional pressures) and by identifying autonomous strategic behaviours of key actors; we suggest that the interplay of institutional pressures and autonomous behaviours leads to BYOD, an emergent phenomenon, that was not planned by management, and then, in turn, possibly to emerging strategies. Our methodology is a case study.
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